
Another Step in Jaclyn Glenns Victim Narrative

First she tried to antagonize the Muslims.  That didn't get the response needed to cast herself as a victim.  Now she is trying to follow in Rebecca Watson's footsteps. 

Way back when, Becky used her sexuality to get attention in the skeptosphere, making sexual jokes, posing for and selling nudie calendars and using the fact that more women would rather go to a tarot and crystal convention that learn some counterintuitive facts at a skeptical convention, to market herself as the female face of skepticism.  It wasn't long before it became obvious that she has nothing of substance to offer.

Upon not getting the clout she felt entitled to she pulled the woman card, complaining that there weren't enough women (her friends) on the panels to satisfy her while claiming that she didn't want quotas.  How you can claim that there isn't enough of something without having a quantity in mind is beyond me.  Upon not getting her demands met she escalated her rhetoric, telling everyone that would listen that women aren't safe at skeptical conventions.

Anyone with two neurons to rub together saw through this and started pushing back and she doubled down.  More importantly she learned from Anita Sarkeesian that there is money to be made in the professional victim racket.  That's all she talks about now, and she must be doing OK with it because she hasn't had to get a real job yet.

Jaclynn, has started the same way, this time with loads of makeup and low cut camisoles, but without much to say.  To be fair there isn't much left to be said about atheism.  It was all said by 1900.  But, every generation or so needs to hear and say it in it's own voice.  For those alive today that started around 2000 and it has all been said, again.  Even the Amazing Atheist has largely moved on to other matters.  This is why she doesn't have anything new to say.

But the fact remains that she has nothing new to say, and she isn't getting the traffic she wants.  So she is laying the groundwork to get into the professional victim racket.

She did the standard video with hand picked comments to show what a bunch of horrible people atheists men are.  She was clever enough to include one that wasn't offensive, but it is pretty much the same strategy.  I just hope it's played out.

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