
Why Feminists Hate the Trans-gendered.

The most extreme feminists hate the trans-gendered.  I have no idea what their numbers are so I can't tell if they have a voice beyond their numbers.  However, they do have enough of a voice and aren't systematically excluded from feminist circles, so they need to be addressed.

The reasons for their hatred are easy to infer.  Trans-gendered people are rhetorically inconvenient.  They undermine three articles of faith among feminists.

First. Gender is a mere social construction.  Every person who was born with an X and Y chromosome and junk who felt like a girl all his life and every one who was born with two Xs and no junk (or interior junk, whatever) who felt like a boy all her life, in spite of all the social pressure to behave like their physical sex is undeniable evidence that there is a physical component to gender identity.

Second.  Life as a woman is an unbearable horror.  Every man who goes through scads of hours of therapy and spends thousands of dollars to become a woman shows that being an identifiable woman isn't as bad as being a woman stuck in a man's body who can live as a woman on his time off. 

Third. Cis women are the only victims. One good strategy for winning the oppression olympics  is to thin the competition as early in the game as possible.  By denying that there are real social problems for the trans-gendered or that the same exist they do so.   It's nothing more than a turf battle.

It's patently obvious that there are people that are born with a brain body mismatch.  Worse, it is probably an issue of gender identity falling on an inverted normal distribution (an abnormal distribution, wakka wakka), but we'll ignore that for now.  It's a birth defect that can be partially corrected through surgery like a cleft palette.  I'm sure that it is very difficult to determine who the legitimate candidates for reassignment are (Perhaps it should be called "gender corrective"?).  And, I have no idea how one should treat borderline cases.  Nevertheless, the phenomenon  is clearly real.

We also know that gender attraction isn't necessarily tied to gender identity.  A group so disproportionately laden with lesbians should understand this.  I believe that they secretly do but are throwing their rightful allies under the bus for their own agenda.

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