
The Next Stage in Putting on the Victim Suit.

Jaclyn Glenn's plan in getting in on the victim game is going apace.  Some British Muslim did a response to her.  It had a number of the usual apologists tricks, but overall,  it was nothing more than an unconvincing plea for the viewer to study Islam.  Whatever.

The rhetorical trickery is in her weak attempt to spin it into a threat.  At no point does the guy even hint at violence, yet she likens it to a girl sicing her older violent brother on someone who was 'mean' to her (Where have we seen this in real life?  Lemme see, feminists and mystery men in elevators comes to mind.). 

She claims that she is going to put up a video with death threats.  Let's see if there are any credible death threats (y'know where someone actually threatens to kill her.) or her trying to spin wishes for her death or someone pointing out the dangers of offending crazies as death threats.  I know where my money is.

An odd thought occurred to me as writing this.  If I ever get any traffic the predictive nature of these articles will be ruined because she will add spin to her videos to deny it and those who are predisposed to believer her will not look beyond that.

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